Styles of story telling.

Through casual research anyone can find out that people actually retain 80% of what they see, 20% of what they read and 10% of what they hear. Content online with visuals gets a total of 94% more views! They are 40x more likely to be shared over social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram ect. And stunningly 90% of information sent to the brain is visual.

Long-Form is a form of online story telling, similar to its predecessor in print long form is a large amount of writing set out in a webpage that may have , for example, endless scrolling. Long forms is a great platform for telling stories.

For example, the New York Times opened a website entirely dedicated to one story, or a series of stories. “Riding The New Sillk Road” which is excellent long form content with great UX Design.

The Site is beautifully presented with and endless scrolling technique to engage the viewer to never stop reading. The site entrances you to be amazed by the story of Silk ROad, the new trainline that runs through China to Kazakhstan and miles further, but the site explains through beautiful gifs and moving timelines (down the right hand side of both pictures)